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Ojibway Clans: Animal Totems and Spirits

Written and illustrated by Ojibway artist Mark Anthony Jacobson

Book Measures 8.72 x 0.28 x 11.14 inches

124 Pages

Hard Cover

Written in English Language

"This Book is about the Clan System of the Ojibway First Nations people of Canada and the Animal Totems, or Spirits that represent them.

The Artwork is Vivid and Engaging.

This beautiful book is for all ages, it gives you a basic overview of the clan system and its role in Ojibwe society. It presents 12 of the clans (there are more depending on how deep in the taxonomy you go, but the largest clans are all depicted in this book).

This book is a great resource for teaching about Native history and culture.

A portion of the proceeds go to Support Early Childhood Development in Native Communities.

Ojibway Clans: Animal Totems and Spirits


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