Grass, Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata) Packet of 50 Sweetgrass Seeds Family: Grass (Poaceae) Hardy to Zones 3 to 8 (Heirochloe odorata, Anthoxanthum nitens) Creeping perennial to 24 inches, native to colder zones in Europe, Asia, and in North America from Greenland to Alaska. Traditionally used in TWM and Native American medicine as a strewing herb and burnable to sanctify body and space. Plant prefers moist soils in the sun to part shade. Sow seeds fall or spring by pressing into surface of rich soil and keeping evenly moist until germination. I found that these took 3 weeks to germinate under lights, kept continually moist. You can differentiate the sweetgrass from volunteer grasses by the reddish stem of the sweetgrass, even in seedling stage. I posted a photo of what the seedlings look like. Regarding the common myth that sweetgrass seeds are sterile, a quote from Samuel Clemens sprouts to mind “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” Space plants 1 foot apart. 50 seeds per packet, open pollinated, untreated, no gmo’s
Sweetgrass Seeds